Check out a protection solution for image files on your computer. Work with the options to add visible and transparent watermarks to the picture. Customize the watermark as a symbol, an image, a pattern, a URL of your webpage, or an edited copyright text.
Alamoon Watermark is a light-weight application useful to professional photographers or web designers, who usually exhibit their work on the web, and are frequently exposed to copy, theft, or copyright infringement. This application allows you to stamp a basic watermark with your name, the name of a company, a URL, a copyright notice, etc., to protect your work from photo plagiarism or other forms of unauthorized use of your material.
The application, designed with this specific purpose, offers an extremely easy way of protecting your pictures, with a friendly interface that guides you along the whole watermarking process. This process will take no more than a few minutes and can watermark a batch of several images at once.
After selecting the pictures, you have to insert the watermark text, where you can also select the font, size, position of the text, and other text parameters, and finally save the picture in its original format, converting it to any of the numerous graphic formats supported, or resizing it in the most convenient way.